In Members, Stories 2024

The Club has lost a keen longtime member with the recent passing of Life Member Jill Sydneysmith on November 13, 2024. This retrospective about Jill was written by her friends Wendy Vine and Jenny Barrio.

Jill was always so full of life and had an engaging sparkle about her. In the early years, husband Sam built them a sailboat in their driveway in West Vancouver and had it removed with a crane.  They sailed offshore with their three children, Jill homeschooling them on the voyage.  They also lived and worked in Bangladesh and Malawi.

Jill had a host of friends at the Sailing Club who will find it hard to imagine Club events without her there.  A real joiner, Jill was someone who participated wherever she could, in both Sailing Club events and in the community (notably with community theatre costuming and the SS Literacy Books & Bling sale).  She loved her large family deeply and would proudly keep her friends updated on her many grandchildren.  She kept a connection with the love of her life Sam, even after their relationship changed.

Jill epitomized the volunteer participation that our club thrives on.  She was a dedicated member of the House and Grounds Committee for many years, attending every meeting and always finding a way to assume her bit of responsibility.  She really understood what it means to be part of a volunteer team.  She served on the Board as Staff Captain and later stayed on the Social Committee, spending many years as the coordinator of volunteers for social events.  She was always a keen participant in Round Salt Spring Races, playing an important role in food services.  The Board member and Commodore photos on the wall of the Clubhouse have been kept current for many years due to Jill’s dedication.  At the same time, she has long been responsible for keeping up the Club bulletin boards.

Jill will definitely be missed at our club.  Our sympathies and best wishes go out to her large family and to her many friends.

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