Facilities & Moorage
Saltspring Island Sailing Club maintains its own property and foreshore lease for the use of Club members and guests. Our facilities on shore include a clubhouse, ancillary buildings, and parking areas. Our clubhouse is open only for Club events or member-sponsored, non-commercial functions, and does not provide food or beverage service except during planned events.
Whether use of Club facilities is for a Club or a member-sponsored private function, the clubhouse and/or grounds must be booked in advance to ensure availability. Our Clubhouse Booking Coordinator maintains a Clubhouse Booking Calendar for the reference of those planning an event date.
Club Functions – should be booked through the Coordinator well in advance.
Private Functions – must be booked by a member on the application form that sets out the rules for use and must be approved by the Vice Commodore. The applicable Clubhouse Booking Request form can be found by logged-in members under the Member Resources pulldown menu. Note that private event insurance must be purchased by the member host for private functions.
Liquor Regulations – Organizers of any function at which alcoholic beverages will be served in Club facilities must contact the Beverage Manager to discuss license and insurance requirements before applying to book the clubhouse. There are limitations on the number of licensed events the Club can accommodate, and Club events take priority over private functions.
Our foreshore is used for a private marina with a capacity of approximately 150 boats. Only Regular Club members have moorage privileges, subject to availability. All boats moored at our marina must have a minimum of $2 million liability insurance. This minimum will be raised to $3,000,000 effective January 1, 2026.
The Club also has Reciprocal Moorage arrangements with other yacht and sailing clubs in our cruising area, and operates a Volunteer Wharfinger program in summer.
Our docks are equipped with 30 amp power, water, safety ladders, emergency fire hoses, and an emergency telephone and oil spill kit on the pier.
Permanent moorage assignments are made by the Wharfinger, and priority for first time moorage or relocation within the marina is based on member seniority within the Club. In the event that moorage is at full capacity, or if no available slips are the proper size to accommodate moorage applications, the members may place their names on the waiting list. Subletting of moorage to another Regular member for up to one year is permitted, upon application and approval of the Wharfinger. The Moorage Application or Relocation Form and the Moorage Regulations Acknowledgment Form (it’s necessary to sign and submit both) are both available to logged-in members in the very bottom of the Documents page (found under the Member Resources pulldown menu at the top of this page).
Dinghies must be stored out of the water. Club dinghy rack storage may be leased, subject to availability.
Kayak and stand-up paddle board storage is a new issue, which is being pursued in 2021 and onward. The information and forms for applying for such storage are available to logged-in members at the very bottom of the the Documents page (again, found under the Member Resources pulldown menu at the top of this page.)
Tidal Grid
Members may use the tidal grid by prior arrangement. To apply for use of the grid, check the calendar in the gatehouse and sign your name on your requested dates, then download, print and fill out this Tidal Grid Form. Either scan and email it to the Rear Commodore at rear_commodore@saltspringsailing.ca a few days before, or phone him (phone number in yearbook) and arrange to sign off on your application. Members are requested to take particular note of the regulations regarding use referred to on the form.