How to Join
We aspire to be a friendly, cooperative Sailing Club that values self-reliance and seamanship, and shares the privileges and responsibilities of membership. We strive to be good stewards of our Club’s heritage, and of the seas we sail.
Our members actively support the Club by attending All-Club events including the Annual Sailpast and Commodore’s Event, General Meetings, the Annual General Meeting, and by volunteering their skills, knowledge and time to club programs and activities. They are rewarded with well-run Racing, Cruising, Junior, social and educational programs; excellent waterfront and onshore facilities; affordable moorage; and life-long friendships.
Our Purpose
To foster and promote interest in cruising and sailing, and to develop seamanship and a knowledge of navigation.
- Principal residence must be on Salt Spring Island.
- A Regular Membership may consist of a Primary member, or a Primary and a Secondary member if the second person lives in the same residence in a spousal relationship.
- Each Regular Membership has one vote, and may hold one office, and is expected to provide at least 20 hours of volunteer work per year.
- Regular Membership members who have been active in the club for 3 years in good financial standing may sponsor new applicants.
- Regular Membership has mooring privileges pending completion of the Moorage Application process, with moorage availability determined by the Wharfinger.
- Principal residence is not required to be on Salt Spring Island.
- The Associate Membership may consist of a Primary member, or a Primary and a Secondary member if the second person lives in the same residence in a spousal relationship.
- Associate Membership members may participate in all Club activities, however they may not vote, hold office, or sponsor new applicants.
- Each Associate Membership is expected to provide at least 20 hours of volunteer work per year.
- Associate Membership does not have moorage privileges.
If club capacity of 200 Regular Memberships is reached, applicants for Regular Membership will be asked to join as an Associate Membership and will be added to the Regular Membership Waitlist by their Associate Membership Seniority Number.
The Club’s private foreshore marina can accommodate approximately 140 boats.
After an applicant has been granted a Regular Membership they may start the Moorage Application process. Further information and Moorage Application forms are available on the member-only side of the club website. Moorage assignment is subject to availability as determined by the Wharfinger. If no suitable moorage is available, the Moorage application will be added to the Moorage Waitlist by their Regular Membership Seniority Number.
Note that subletting moorage to another Regular Membership for up to one (1) year is permitted, upon application and approval of the Wharfinger.
Each Regular and Associate Membership is expected to contribute a minimum of 20 volunteer-work hours annually to Club activities and initiatives such as:
- Daily Duty Wharfinger program (Summer)
- General Work Parties (Spring and Fall)
- Special Task Work Parties (Year-round)
- Round Saltspring Sailing Race (May)
- Club Social Events (Year-round)
- Educational Seminar Presentations (Winter)
- Serving as Committee Members (Year-round)
- Serving on the Board (Year-round)
Applicants must be sponsored by two (2) Regular Membership members that do not share the same Regular Membership.
Each Sponsor must:
- Have held a Regular Membership for at least 3 years
- Meet the annual Club volunteer-work requirements
- Be in good financial standing re club obligations
Sponsors are expected to:
- Ensure Applicants understand the Club’s volunteer-work requirements
- Assist their sponsored new members to become integrated into the Club community by supporting them during their first year of activities and introducing them at Meet and Greet events.
Fees listed below are current as of 2025.
This one-time fee is due upon submission of a Membership Application.
(Includes 5% GST)
(Includes 5% GST)
(Includes 5% GST)
This annual fee is charged pro-rata in the first year of Membership. Thereafter, it is due on the 1st of November each year.
Marine Parks Forever Levy is also charged annually with the annual membership fee.
(Includes 5% GST)
(Includes 5% GST)
(No GST charged)
This fee is the second half of a Member’s Club Initiation fee and is due when the Moorage Application process is complete, and moorage is assigned by the Wharfinger.
(Includes 5% GST)
This fee is due prior to occupying moorage.
It is charged pro-rata in the first year of Membership and thereafter is charged annually in conjunction with the Annual Membership Fee. It is based on the greatest of the Overall Vessel Length OR the moorage length as determined by the Club Wharfinger.
Annual Moorage is calculated at $3.25 per foot/per month PLUS 5% GST.
Additional fees are charged for Electrical Service and Dinghy Storage.
Any person(s) willing to foster the Club’s Vision and Purpose is/are potentially eligible for membership after successful completion of the application process and approval by the Board. Have questions? Email:
Membership Application Forms are available through the blue button links below.
1) Print and fully complete the forms.
- Complete, sign and date your Membership Application Form. If there is a Secondary applicant, they must also complete their portion of the form.
- For a Regular Membership application, email a scan or photocopy of your BC Driver’s License to show proof that Saltspring is your primary residence. Please note, once this is viewed by the Membership Officer, your scan/photocopy will be deleted. However, you will be asked to bring proof of your Saltspring residence to your interview.
- Discuss suitable club volunteer work opportunities with your Sponsors, then complete, sign and date your Volunteer Commitment Form. If there is a Secondary applicant, they must also complete their portion of the form.
- Ensure each Sponsor completes, signs and dates their Sponsorship Form and emails it to
Note: Both Sponsors forms must be received to proceed.
2) Scan and E-mail your Membership Application package to
Or mail to: Membership SISC, 152 Douglas Rd, Saltspring Island, BC V8K 2J2
3) E-transfer your Membership Initiation Fee to
Please confirm the correct amount for your desired Membership above.
Or mail cheque to: Treasurer SISC, 152 Douglas Rd, Saltspring Island, BC V8K 2J2
Note: If your application is not successful, you will receive full reimbursement.
- Interview with Membership Committee Members
A Membership Committee member will speak with your Sponsors and then contact you to arrange an interview at the Clubhouse. - Posting of Your Application and Board Vote
Your application will be shared with club membership for at least 14 days prior to it being voted upon by the Board. - Meet the Membership Officer to receive a Welcome Package
If approved by the Board, you will be contacted to meet at the Clubhouse to receive your Welcome Package including:- Temporary Membership card with your Membership Seniority Number
- Club Handbook and Directory
- Club Burgee
- Clubhouse key(s) and Key Information
- You will be invoiced a $25 deposit for each key received.
- If you leave the club, return your keys to the Treasurer to receive a refund.
Once you become a Regular Membership Holder You May Then Make a Moorage Application.