In Members, Stories 2023



March 15, 2023

First, we have the new septic system being installed at the beginning of September. So, it will not interfere with the Summer Sailing program. Second, we have an unscheduled cost to repave the main driveway at a very good price of just over $28,000. The asphalt is in dire need of being replaced due to long time fatigue. This project is estimated to start late September/early October to avoid conflict with the septic system.


The LTP four concept choices for use of the uplands area will be expanding into a new process and procedure which will not be completed until early 2024 at the best rate. Your board is finalizing the scope of actions for a new Uplands/Finance group. Their task is to review real costs, search for cost-saving measures and have a full and comprehensive understanding of demands on the club revenue. The new committee will likely have five club members, selected because of their skills for the tasks. We have already collected five candidates from those who joined between 2015 and 2020, with a future call for earlier member joining dates to follow. This will render a balance of age and history/experience.

The Commodore and James Pettigrew will undertake a comprehensive review of marina and uplands assets, with a view toward forecasting future costs and to gauge the most accurate date for asset replacement due to age or fatigue. The marina information, collected from knowledgeable members, will be forwarded to the new focus group for review.


It was my strong intention to have the selection of the LTP option settled by this time. However, it has become very evident that we need more time to evaluate potential long term costs. A full set of financial information will be sent to all members as we have it finished. A final proposal will expose all financial aspects as best we can determine, prior to any vote. The board will do all we can to have our present mortgage finished for April 2025. This zero-balance mortgage is NOT a certainty, but rather an ambition for the club.

ROY MARLATT  Commodore 2023


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